A Morning at Point Reyes

Photos from a visit to Kehoe Beach and other spots

Entrance to Kehoe Beach. (All photos by me.)
Velella velella or By-the-Wind Sailors. Mass beachings like this are said to be a harbinger of an El Niño year, which tracks with more data-driven predictions.
Looking north along Kehoe Beach at Point Reyes National Seashore.
Tidepool; these were seemingly barren and there were no starfish to be found at all. They used to be plentiful here.
Liesl enjoying the beach, mostly. It can be tough to be a short dog in wind-blown sand.
Coast Lupine, adding spectacular swaths of yellow this time of year. They are also lovely in the winter with their silver/green foliage.
Abbot’s Lagoon from Pierce Point Road, festooned with Coast Lupine.
Tule elk cows and young; the free-ranging herd, today near Drake’s Bay. Cattle in the background.

