Aug 23, 2024
23 stories
2 saves
A deep dive into Israel-Palestine from a Jewish writer who has spent considerable effort in understanding the history and present-day facts of the situation in Gaza.
Feb 14, 2024
A beautifully-written empathic tutorial. It's the details that matter, and that they're a pleasure to read is such a relief to a reader. And to an editor; one of the best things about my work with Better Humans has been the chance to work with David on articles.
If I were in my 20s, I'd reconfigure my life for the goal of working on a research team for Studio D and Jan Chipchase. This article is about one methodology he developed for doing that work, but it includes a great story of getting through a Rio de Janeiro police checkpoint.
This was just a delight to read. Many of us who have experienced some of the territory covered by Joseph Campbell and Carl G. Jung are reluctant—or unable—to describe it. Betty Ray does so with humor and grace in this story.
I really enjoyed working with Silvia on this amazingly comprehensive guide to an important topic. It was personally important to me as I was evolving in my own relationship style (finally landing, with relief, on "relationship anarchy"—labels can be problematic, but they can also help us feel like we fit in). All of Silvia's work on Better Humans is top-notch. She is cutting edge in the area of relationships and personal development.
I will be honest...some of this is a bit over my head. It's a long read. But whenever I dip into it, I find myself nodding and gleaning some piece of insight, and maybe even softening a bit in my own negative tribal tendencies. Posted in 2018 and probably still ahead of its time.
If you know Brittany, you know that she notices *everything* and has a wonderful and intense sense of curiosity. Those qualities, and her superb word-smithing, make her a fantastic writer, too. This story is a brilliant example.
One of the best we published on Better Humans. Though it did well, it was also a bit ahead of the curve. This and the companion piece are still some of the best writing available on this subset of DIY psychedelics.
I like articles that find something deeper and perhaps unexpected. The e-waste dumps of West Africa have become common knowledge, but this story takes a new look at the community surrounding them. A piece of my heart remains in Ghana, so this is personal, too.